Welcome to The Colorado Classroom

Hey there! I’m Brittany, and I’m here to make your life as an educator simpler with comprehensive resources that get students hands-on with the material and having fun as they learn and grow. I love to make lessons engaging and interactive for students. The more I can get the students involved, the better they’ll learn. Please check out the links below!
Meet the Teacher Bundle with editable text
Meet the Teacher Bundle - Updated!
Image with 5 morning greeting signs: handshake, hug, high five, fist bump, and wave. This is a freebie product.
Morning Greeting FREEBIE
Interactive US Wall Map
This back to school lesson plan bundle will help you set the stage for the year with four great lessons on behavior and character, locker organization, personal organization, as well as rules and regulations in the classroom. Each of the four lessons is designed for the upper elementary or middle school years.
Back to School Bundle
Chinese Lunar New Year
Shoutout Colorado Interview
Listen to the Podcast!
Mexico - War of Independence
Afternoon Tricks to Ease Your Teaching