Halloween Freebie for 6th Grade Math

I know I’m a little late to the party with Halloween only being 9 short days away, but if you haven’t quite planned out your festivities yet, I’ve recently uploaded a freebie to my TpT store that I’d love for you to check out and see if it can’t help you with your math classes next week.

Mean, Median, Mode, & Range Halloween Freebie

This Mean, Median, Mode, & Range activity provides 6 stations for students to rotate through to solve MMMR problems.  They will also be asked other questions as well, requiring them to identify outliers, inference, predict, recalculate when more data is discovered, choose the best measure of central tendency and more.

I’ve used it with my class for a few years and we always have great fun while still covering some much needed practice and material.  I hope you find the same worthwhile experience.  Thanks for your consideration, and I wish you the best this fall season.

The Colorado Classroom Signature - Brittany

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