Order of Operations Scavenger Hunt Math Game

This order of operations scavenger hunt math game will allow your students to use the order of operations to solve various two to six-step equations. Scroll down for more!


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Do you want an order of operations math game to review what you’ve covered in class and prepare your students for an exam? Or how about using it as an alternative assessment for solving order of operations equations?


This order of operations scavenger hunt math game will allow your students to use grouping symbols, exponents, multiplicatives, and additives while finding and solving various equations that all rely on the order of operations to get them right. Problems range from just two operations up to five or six series of steps. It’s a lot to practice, but they’ll do it in just one class period.


If you’ve never used scavenger hunts before, students will zig-zag across the room searching for the next question to answer. If students get stuck while trying to answer a question, print out and have ready a rescue station or two, which has all the answers provided and just requires some searching itself. For a thorough explanation with examples, please check out the preview.


This order of operations math game resource includes:

  • Teacher Guide
  • Answer Pages for Students
  • 26 Order of Operation Questions
  • Rescue Station
  • Full-Color Answer Key
  • Everything Above in Black & White for Easy Printing
  • Total: 68 Printable PDF Pages



Addresses Standards:

  • 3.OA.D.8
  • 5.OA.A.1
  • 6.EE.A.1


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