Preparing some easy 4th of July crafts that will make the day fun, festive, and a sight to behold will make your holiday a great time for all those involved.

4th of July Craft Materials
We recently visited our friends at Michaels Craft Store and grabbed some essentials to making our easy 4th of July crafts fun and oh, so enjoyable!
The following items were things we knew we would need.
- Green Pipe Cleaners
- Red, White, and Blue Yarn
- A Styrofoam Ring
- Wooden Skewers
- A Sheet of White Foam
- Star Cookie Cutters
- Some Thin Ribbon
- Some Thick Pretty 4th of July Ribbon
We also grabbed a few things at the grocery store.
- Cotton Balls
- Coffee Filters
- Food Coloring
Lastly, we made sure we had a hot glue gun, glue sticks, scissors, and some push pins hanging around at home. And of course, we needed markers and colored pencils to fill in all of our designs.
Crafting Time is Family Time
Crafting together is a great time to bond and have fun. While certain parts of all crafts require concentration, other parts allow you to laugh and exchange conversations with each other.
Each one of the crafts has its own unique challenges and rewards. As an example, the wreath has a lot of solo wrapping of yarn, that you can do while watching a movie or listening to relatives share stories of the past. Yet each craft is easy enough to be done in a short amount of time, leaving plenty of time for games, food, and fireworks.
Using these easy 4th of July crafts in your classroom or with your children has several benefits. Kids will get to work on motor skills and cooperative tasks. You can introduce the concepts of patriotism and what it means to celebrate the country’s ideals. And your kids will get the feeling of going back to the days of pasting, coloring, and cutting paper. Everyone needs to be a little childish now and then, or what’s the point of growing up?
The One Time Showing Off is a Good Thing
When you complete all the crafts, you’ll have items you can show off around your home, classroom, or neighborhood. Each of these crafts produces results that you can show off to others. These crafts help to celebrate the birthday of the nation or to commemorate partaking in the celebrations themselves.
The crafts packet is a multi-page booklet with full instructions on making all the crafts shown above. You can find it available for download here. Check out other craft activities in this post on Making Salt Dough From Scratch. You could even incorporate some salt dough creations into your 4th celebrations! Let me know how your crafting goes in the comments. I can’t wait to hear what you make.