
Famous People Who Made Colorado What It Is Today

Do you ever find yourself wondering how Colorado came to be? Who were the key players? How did they make it all happen? Whenever I teach history, I like to turn it into a story. The famous people who played a role in the development of Colorado are the actors, the events are the plot twists, and the challenges they faced are the villains. This approach really helps my students see history as real and relevant rather than just a bunch of boring facts in a textbook. So today, I’m excited to share with you the Colorado Famous People resource I use with my students to help them learn about the key players in the making of Colorado!

This image says, "Famous People That Made Colorado What it is Today" and includes a photo of an example of a reading passage focused on an important person from Colorado's history.

Why Is Learning About Famous People in History Important?

This photo highlights a blank timeline template and the list of famous people students can choose from for this Colorado history project.

I am always intentional when teaching about important historical figures in my classes. It’s all about making connections. When my students learn about the individuals who shaped history, they start to see these figures as real people with real struggles, dreams, and accomplishments. This makes the past come alive in a way that a list of dates and events never could.

By focusing on famous people, I can highlight the human side of history. For instance, when we talk about explorers, politicians, and pioneers, my students get to understand the motivations and challenges these people face. This approach helps my students relate to history on a personal level, making it more engaging and memorable.

Studying famous people allows us to explore diverse perspectives and contributions. We discuss not just the well-known figures, but also those who might not have received as much recognition. This way, my students get a fuller picture of history, understanding that it was shaped by many different hands.

What’s Inside the Colorado Famous People Resource

In my Colorado State Study bundle, I dedicate a whole unit to famous people who played key roles in the stateโ€™s history. Hereโ€™s how I make this engaging for my students.

10 Famous People

This photo shows examples of famous people who are included within the unit about Colorado's history like Chin Lin Sou, General William J. Palmer and Don 'Felipe' Baca.

I begin this unit with 10 of the main players in Colorado history. Each of these people has an article written about them with corresponding activities. I’ve differentiated these articles to cater to different reading levels. For higher-level readers, choose the article marked with a fish icon on the upper right-hand side. For lower-level readers choose the article marked with a big horn sheep icon in the same spot. This way, every student gets the appropriate level of challenge, you can decipher the animal code, and none of the students can identify which passage is which.

The ten famous people who made Colorado that are featured in this resource include the following:

1. Don “Felipe” Baca

Don “Felipe” Baca was a pioneer and businessman who played a crucial role in the development of southern Colorado. Born in New Mexico, Baca moved to Colorado and founded the town of Trinidad. He was instrumental in promoting agriculture and trade in the region. One fascinating fact about Baca is that he brought the first irrigation system to the area, transforming it into a fertile agricultural hub. His legacy lives on in the thriving community of Trinidad.

2. “Aunt” Clara Brown

This image shows a reading passage and activity about "Aunt" Clara Brown, a famous person who contributed to Colorado's history.

“Aunt” Clara Brown was a former slave who became a beloved community leader and philanthropist in Central City, Colorado. She established a successful laundry business and used her earnings to support former slaves relocating to Colorado, providing housing and jobs. Clara was instrumental in founding the first Sunday school and the St. James Methodist Church in Central City. Her story of resilience and generosity highlights her lasting impact on Colorado’s early communities.

3. Christopher “Kit” Carson

Christopher “Kit” Carson was a renowned figure of the American West. He was celebrated for his skills as a trapper and explorer. His legendary adventures, including guiding John C. Fremont’s expeditions and serving in the Mexican-American War, made him a symbol of frontier courage and resilience. Despite his fame, Carson’s legacy reflects both his contributions to exploration and his involvement in the conflicts of his time.

4. Oliver T. Jackson

This image showcases the differentiation available in my "Famous People Who Made Colorado What it is Today" unit. There are two levels of reading passages for each person including Oliver T. Jackson who is shown in the example.

Oliver T. Jackson was a powerhouse in the civil rights movement, using his legal expertise to fight for equality. His tireless efforts in the courtroom and in activism made a real difference. By doing so, he was able to break down barriers and challenge discrimination. What sets Jackson apart is his inclusive approach. He believed in justice for all, regardless of background. His legacy inspires us to keep pushing for a fairer, more equal society.

5. Chief Ouray

Chief Ouray was a leader of the Ute tribe and was known for his diplomacy and advocacy for his people. His efforts to negotiate with the U.S. government helped preserve Ute lands and rights during a time of intense pressure and conflict. Ouray’s leadership was characterized by wisdom and compassion, earning him respect both within his tribe and among settlers. His legacy reminds us of the importance of understanding and cooperation between different cultures.

6. General William J. Palmer

General William J. Palmer was a leader and the driving force behind the development of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad. His innovative approach to transportation transformed the landscape of the American West. It connected remote communities and facilitated economic growth. Palmer’s commitment to progress extended beyond railroads. He also founded the city of Colorado Springs and championed urban planning and conservation efforts. His legacy is one of innovation, community-building, and a lasting impact on the development of the American West.

7. Eliza Pickrell Routt

This photo features a reading passage and timeline activity that will help students learn more about Eliza Pickrell Routt, who is one of the famous people from Colorado's early history.

Eliza Pickrell Routt was a trailblazing figure in Colorado’s suffrage movement. She is known for playing a key role in securing women’s right to vote in the state. Her advocacy and leadership paved the way for progress, empowering women to participate fully in civic life. Beyond suffrage, she was also dedicated to education and community service. Her legacy reminds us of the importance of perseverance and civic engagement in the pursuit of equality.

8. Chin Lin Sou

Chin Lin Sou was an influential figure in the Chinese-American community. He is recognized for his entrepreneurial skills and philanthropy. As a leader in the early Chinatown of San Francisco, Sou played a vital role in fostering community and supporting immigrants. His business ventures not only provided economic opportunities but also served as hubs for cultural exchange and support networks. Sou’s legacy underscores the resilience and contributions of Chinese immigrants to American society.

9. Augusta Tabor

Augusta Tabor was an important figure in Colorado’s mining history. As the wife of Horace Tabor, a wealthy mining magnate, Augusta played a significant role in shaping the social and cultural landscape of the state. Despite facing personal hardships, including the collapse of her husband’s fortune, Augusta remained a pillar of strength in the community. Her philanthropic efforts and advocacy for women’s rights left a lasting legacy, inspiring future generations.

10. “Owl Woman” (Mistanta)

This image showcases an activity focused on "Owl Woman" another famous person who contributed to making Colorado what it is today.

“Owl Woman,” also known as Mistanta, was a leader of the Southern Arapaho tribe. She earned respect due to her wisdom and strength. As a prominent figure in the 19th century, she played a crucial role in bridging cultural divides and negotiating with settlers. She was also a skilled artisan known for her intricate beadwork and storytelling. Her contributions to Arapaho culture and her efforts to preserve tribal traditions continue to inspire respect and admiration.

Interactive Pages for the 10 Famous People

After reading, my students dive into an interactive student page. This page is designed to help them pull key information about the person, see the person’s life events as it relates to time, and identify where in Colorado this person lived and worked. This worksheet includes a timeline, a map of Colorado, a contributions section, and a portrait area. Students dive into each of these core sections as they dig deeper into understanding each person and the effects they had on the state of Colorado.

This image shows a reading passage and timeline about Eliza Pickrell Routt, a famous person in Colorado's early history.

Here are the key features found on each interactive page:

  1. Timeline: Students find important dates from the person’s life and plot them on the timeline.
  2. Map of Colorado: They color in the regional map of Colorado to show where the person lived and worked.
  3. Contributions: Students make a bulleted list of the contributions this person made to Colorado.
  4. Portrait: They draw a portrait of the person based on the picture in the article.

There are also differentiated versions of this page available so that you can choose the option that works best for each of your students.

More Famous Coloradans

While working on the 10 famous people articles and pages will provide your students with a good understanding of the key players in Colorado history, I didn’t want to stop there. So this resource also includes a list of 75 famous people who played a part in making Colorado what it is today. I love to use this list to get my students to learn more about the key players or to use as a biography research project.

Using the blank page that is similar to those for the 10 famous people articles, students learn about one person from the list and complete the interactive timeline and contributions page. But, you could take this project into a full research paper if you’d like.

Digital Version Included

To make this unit as accessible as possible, I’ve included a digital version on Google Slides, a PDF version, and a PowerPoint Background Slides version. This way, whether you use Google, Microsoft Teams, or another platform, you can easily incorporate these materials into your lessons.

Remember the Famous People of Colorado

As we wrap up our journey through my resource Colorado’s Famous People, it’s clear that the people who shaped this state were more than just names in a textbook. They were trailblazers, visionaries, and champions of progress. By learning about their struggles, triumphs, and contributions, we gain a deeper understanding of Colorado’s identity and the forces that shaped it. Each individual left an indelible mark on the Centennial State. So, let’s remember their stories, honor their legacies, and continue to be inspired by them. As we teach and learn about these famous people, we not only connect with the past but also gain insights that can guide us toward a brighter future.

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Remember to save this pin to your favorite teacher Pinterest board so you can quickly come back when you teach about Colorado history and the famous people who made Colorado!

Looking for a way to make the history of Colorado more memorable to your middle school students? In this post, I take you through how you can use to the famous people who made Colorado what it is today to help students gain a better understanding of Colorado's early history!
The Colorado Classroom signature "Brittany" with a globe.