Ancient Greece Create a City-State

Use this reading, G.R.A.P.E.S. mnemonic, template, and more to have students create their own Ancient Greece city-state. As students create their own individualized city-state, the birthplace of a nation will develop in your classroom, giving rise to great discussions. Explore this wonderful lesson with your students! Scroll down for more.


With a four-part lesson on Ancient Greece city-states, students will explore the rise of city-states and what is needed to make a civilization, using the G.R.A.P.E.S. mnemonic.  Then using a foldable template, students will create their own city-state, each one unique and different. As students each create their own individualized homeland, the birthplace of a nation will develop in your classroom, giving rise to great discussions.


This lesson includes:

  • Reading Passage
  • G.R.A.P.E.S. Explanation Page
  • Foldable City-State Template
  • City-State Description Page


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