Is gratitude a word you want your students to know and show? This gratitude journal with writing prompts, creative tasks, coloring pages, quotes, and more will have your students thinking, writing, and practicing gratitude for weeks. Good all year round or perfect for November, this journal with writing prompts will promote great discussions in your classroom.
With 25 unique printable PDF pages or 20 unique digital pages, this low-prep gratitude journal will have you prepared for weeks to come as you have students answering prompts as part of morning work, for bell ringers, during the after recess calm-down period, or as an end of day task. If you have a character education block, this would make a great fit!
This gratitude journal writing prompts resource includes:
- Teacher Guide
- Google Classroom Guide
- 26 Printable PDF Pages with
- Gratitude Lists
- Word Search
- Short & Long Writing Prompts
- Lists
- Gratitude Objectives to Meet
- Coloring/Doodle Pages
- & More
- 21-Page Google Slide compatible Gratitude Journal in full color
- 21-Page PowerPoint compatible Gratitude Journal (semi-flattened)
You will receive a .zip file with a printable PDF with 37 pages, a link to Google Drive™, and a PowerPoint™ file.
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Permission for single classroom use only
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