Are You a Genius When it Comes to Geography?

GeoGenius is a new line of geography magazines that allow you and your students to become experts in the field of geography.

GeoGenius GeoJunior - Are You a Genius When It Comes to Geography?

With maps, interactive activities, fun facts, and more, GeoGenius aims to get students interested in geography again.  It aspires to show students a link between the fun and zany side of the world and just how that connects to our knowledge of geography.  In addition, students are given real world activities to complete that give them a glimpse inside the country or continent at hand.

GeoGenius 1 - The Continents & OceansThe first GeoGenius features the continents and oceans.  You can get this free 22-page activity packet and lesson simply by signing up here.  GeoGenius Continents and Oceans should download immediately upon your confirmation, and then once every quarter, new free issues will arrive.  Expect to see issues on Australia (the continent), South America, and Europe.

As a partner to GeoGenius, are GeoJuniors.  GeoJuniors are short 10 to 15-page magazines that focus in on a specific country of study.  Each GeoJunior includes a location sheet, a guess the country game, maps, fun facts, and an infographic bookmark to help students retain the information that they’ve learned. 

GeoJuniors are meant to be taught all in a chunk or in small short bites, like a snack.  They’re easily adaptable to fit your classroom and your lessons and are fun for kids with crazy facts, interesting maps, and cute graphics. 

GeoJunior EgyptFilling the gaps in between the GeoGenius magazines, GeoJuniors will arrive every two weeks.  You can expect to see issues on Albania, Bolivia, China, Djibouti, Egypt, France, Greece, Honduras, and others, as we jet-set back and forth across the globe, learning about the various nations that make up our world. 

All six permanently inhabited continents are covered, and GeoJuniors provide a great way to learn about other cultures as well as introduce other regions and new material.  Save a country until you’re going to cover it, or use them to have a multi-cultural fair.  Encourage your students to make travel brochures on their favorite countries and explore more of what each country has to offer, or just use GeoJunior as a quick break from the curriculum from time to time.  The opportunities are endless.

Whatever you decide, GeoGenius and GeoJuniors, will help you become a GeoWizard!

The Colorado Classroom Signature - Brittany

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3 thoughts on “Are You a Genius When it Comes to Geography?”

  1. Pingback: 3 Ways to Practice Map and Geography Skills | The Colorado Classroom

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